The research conducted in the DABNEL lab is described below. Our main sponsors are NSERC and
Canada Foundation for Innovation/Ontario Innovation Trust.
DABNEL Members
Isaac Woungang
Professor and Lead
Dr. Woungang received his Ph.D degree in Mathematics from University of South, Toulon & Var,
France, in 1994. His current research interests include radio resource management,
computer security, B5G wireless networks, computational intelligence and machine learning
applications, performance modelling, analysis and optimization.
Chen Ding
Dr. Ding received her Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from National University of Singapore
in 2003. Her current research interests include Web information retrieval, Content networking,
Web site usability study, and Web usage mining.
Alireza Sadeghian
Dr. Sadeghian received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from University of Toronto,
Canada. His current research include Knowledge-based expert systems, Network
security, and Computational intelligence.
Eric Harley
Associate professor
Dr. Harley received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from University of Toronto in 2003.
His current research interests include Graph algorithms and Bioinformatics.
Issa Traore
Adjunct professor
Dr. Traore is a Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer and Electrical Engineering,
University of Victoria, BC, and Director of the The Information Security and Object Technology (ISOT)
Research Lab (https://www.uvic.ca/engineering/ece/isot/). His current research interests include
computer security and software engineering.
Shree Krishna Sharma
Adjunct professor
Dr. Shree Krishna Sharma received the Ph.D. degree in wireless communications
from University of Luxembourgnin 2014. His current research interests include 5G and Beyond wireless communications, wireless IoT communications, machine learning and edge computing.
Moses Nyongwa
Adjunct professor
Dr. Nyongwa is an Associate professor, USB, Saint-Boniface, Winnipeg, Canada. He received
his Ph.D. degree in Theoretical Linguistics at University of Quebec in Montreal in 1995. His
current research interests include E-learning Systems.
Glaucio H. S. Carvalho
Dr. Glaucio H. S. Carvalho received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the Federal University of Para (UFPA), Brazil, in 2005. His research interests include offensive security and defensive science and their applications on critical infrastructure.
Sanjay K. Dhurandher
Dr. Dhurandher is a Professor & the Head of the Advanced Centre CAITFS at University of Delhi, Delhi,
India. His current research interests include wireless networks, cognitive networks, opportunistic
networks, network security, and Underwater Sensor Networks.
Current graduate students of Dr. Woungang only.
For the other members of DABNEL, please
consult their personnal web sites.
Ahmed Shaharyar Khwaja (PostDoc Fellow)
Atefeh Termehchi (PostDoc Fellow, University of Manitoba)
Reginald McLean (PhD candidate)
Amir Mohammadi Bhaga (PhD candidate)
Patrice Kisanga (PhD candidate)
Hajra Naeem (PhD candidate)
Hafiz Yasir Noor (MSc, Computer Networks)
Shugofa Hassani (MSc, Computer Networks)
Maryam Nada (MSc)
Alumini of Dr. Woungang.
For other DABNEL members, please
refer to their personal Web sites.
- David W. White (PhD, Univ. of Technology, Jamaica, 2024)
- Soroush Danaeifard (M.Eng, Univ. of Victoria, BC, Canada, 2023)
- Fatemeh Jafarrangchi (M.Eng, Univ. of Victoria, BC, Canada, 2023)
- Noha Hassan (PostDoc Fellow, Sept 2022-Sept 2023)
- Khuram Khalid (PhD, 2023)
- Paulo Gustavo Quinan (PhD, University of Victoria, BC, Canada, 2023)
- Alexander Zeltov (MSc, 2023)
- Aleksander Maksimoski (MSc, Computer Networks, 2023)
- Simbarashe Zuva (M.Eng, University of Victoria, BC, Canada, 2023)
- Patrice Kisanga (MSc, Computer Networks, 2022)
- Alexander Bakogeorge (MSc, 2022)
- Lilatul Ferdouse (PostDoc Fellow, 2022)
- Glaucio H.S. Carvalho (PhD, 2021)
- Waqas Ahmed (M.Eng, Computer Networks, 2021)
- Daniela Faria Fernandez (M.Eng, Computer Networks, 2021)
- Javad Elamar (M.Eng, Computer Networks, 2021)
- Asem Kitana (PhD, Univ of Victoria, 2021)
- Lilatul Ferdouse (PostDoc Fellow, 2020)
- Trung Chau (MSc, 2020)
- Arun Anpalagan (RA, 2020)
- Amir Mohammadi Bagha (MSc,2019)
- Ajmery Sultana (Postdoc fellow, 2019)
- Shabalala Shibusio (MSc, 2019)
- Richa Siddavaatam (PhD, 2019)
- Shree Sharma Krishna (PostDoc fellow, 2018)
- Maninder Raniyal Singh (MSc, 2018)
- Elena Degtiereva (MSc, 2017)
- Ming Him Tong (BSc Undergarduate Thesis, 2017)
- Amarpreet Bamrah (MSc, 2016)
- Kuram Khalid (MSc, 2016)
- Fatema Rashid (PhD, 2015)
- Akinniyi Ojo (MSc, 2015)
- Shraddha Reddy Peesary (MSc, 2015)
- Sidhu Parampreet (MSc, 2014)
- Ssowjanya Harishankar (MSc, 2014)
- Dr. Luftul Karim (PostDoc fellow, 2013)
- Michael Ryan Sahai (MSc, 2012)
- Md. Mizanur Rahman (MSc, 2012)
- A.B.M. Bodrul (MSc, 2012)
- Faria Khandaker (MSc, 2012)
- Waqas Shah (MSc, 2012)
- David W. White (M.Phil, UTech, Jamaica, 2012)
- Rajender Dheeraj Peddi (MSc, 2012)
- Vincent Koo (MSc, 2012)
- Liu Xing, NIU (MSc, Taiwan)
- Shilpi Verma (MSc, 2011)
- Po-Chun Tsou, NIU (M.Sc, 2011)
- Joe Chen, NIU (M.Sc, 2011)
- Allen Liao, NIU (M.Sc, 2011)
- Abhishek Gupta, (Univ. of Delhi, India) (2011)
- Denis Guschin, (ENSEEIHT, France) (2011)
- Shahid Nadeem Malik(M.Eng, 2010)
- Bijan Khalilian (MSc, 2010)
- Lubaid Ahmed (MSc, 2010)
- Saif Hanamekha (M.Eng, 2010)
- Mohammad Mohammad (M.Eng, 2010)
- Abner Wu, NIU (M.Sc, 2010)
- Joey Tzeng, NIU (M.Sc, 2010)
- Wade Xiao, NIU (M.Sc, 2010)
- Chris Liu, NIU (M.Sc, 2010)
- Wess Huang, NIU (M.Sc*, 2010)
- Za Lin, NIU (M.Sc*, 2010)
- Hilda Wu, NIU (M.Sc, 2010)
- Hui-Hung Jian, NIU (M.Sc, 2010)
- Yu-Hsin Liu, NIU (M.Sc, 2010)
- Li-Sheng Chen, NIU (M.Sc, 2009)
- Zhua Lin, National Dong Hwa University (M.Sc, 2009)
- Yi-Qun Lee, NIU (M.Sc, 2009)
- Eric Lee, NIU (M.Sc, 2009)
- Kuan-Yi Chen, NIU (M.Sc, 2009)
- Elvira N. Bonilla Tamez (M.Sc, 2009)
- Rashid Fatema (M.Sc, 2009)
- Minh Hoang (M.Eng, 2009)
- Kedy Chang (M.Sc, NIU, 2009)
- Nick Hsu (M.Sc, NIU, 2009)
- Hsiang-Te Liu (M.Sc, NIU, 2009)
- Hsin-Yun Yang (M.Sc, NIU, 2009)
- Florentin Salceanu (M.Eng, 2008)
- Ruffino Orea Mendez (M.Eng, 2008)
- Guangyan Ma, (M.Eng, 2008)
- Farhana Zabin (M.Sc, 2007)
- Aida Tavakkolie (Undergrad Thesis, 2007)
- Bart Stanczyk (Undergrad RA, 2007)
- Nabil Suleiman (Undergrad RA, 2007)
- Kevin Lo (Undergrad Thesis, 2006)
- Ann Fry (Undergrad Thesis, 2006)
- Mohammad Ahmadoun (Undergrad Thesis, 2006)
- Sorin Nitoi (Undergrad Thesis, 2006)
- Moazzami Siamak (MEng, 2005)
- Ahsan Kazmi (MEng, 2005)
- Qazi Karim (Undergrad Thesis, 2005)
- Vikaram Khullar (Undergrad Thesis, 2005)
- David Subryan (Undergrad Thesis, 2005)
- Du Sa (Undergrad Thesis, 2005)
- Terrence Szeto (Undergrad Thesis, 2005)
- Viktor Vitebski (Undergrad Thesis, 2005)
- Victor Volfson (Undergrad Thesis, 2005)
- Idris Yousifie (Undergrad Thesis, 2004)
- Jun Jiang (Undergrad Thesis, 2004)
- Tommy Kong (Undergrad Thesis, 2004)
- Peter Toi (Undergrad Thesis, 2004)
- Olga Kovalenko (Undergrad Thesis, 2004)
- Michael Cole (MEng, 2004)
- Ke Li (MEng, 2004)
This site
is maintained by Isaac Woungang.
Last Modified: October 2023