CPS 841 / CP8309: Foundations of Semantic Technologies
Course Management Form, Winter 2011

Instructor: Mikhail Soutchanski.
Email: mes (at) cs (dot) ryerson (dot) ca (write cps841 in "Subject")
Web page: www.scs.ryerson.ca/mes/courses/cps841W11/
Office: Computing and Engineering Bldg, 245 Church Street, ENG275
Office Hours: Wednesday and Monday, 15:10-16:00     or by appointment
TAs: Graham Holker (gholker (at) ryerson.ca)
Section Activity Day Start Time End Time Room
001 Class Wednesday 12:10 15:00 KHE-121
Office Hour Wednesday 15:10 16:00 ENG275

Course Description

Course Policies

Policy on collaboration in homework assignments
Discussing general approaches to problems is allowed. However, home work assignments are individual: no collaboration is allowed when you write final solutions. You may discuss assignments only with other students currently taking the course. However, you should never put your name on anything you do not understand. If challenged, you must be able to reproduce and explain all solutions by yourself, or solve similar exercises. If you cannot explain a solution that you handed in, or if you cannot solve an exercise similar to questions in your home work, this will negatively affect your grade. In particular, you might be asked to solve exercises during the office hours, or in class (as a quiz). The first page of your homework should include: the name of all students with whom you discussed any homework problems (even briefly). Otherwise, it is assumed that you didn't discuss with anyone except the instructor. Copied work (both original and copies) will be graded as 0. Involvement with plagiarism will be penalized in accordance with the departmental policy and the Student Code of Academic Conduct.

Committing academic misconduct, such as plagiarism and cheating, will trigger academic penalties including failing grades, suspension and possibly expulsion from the University. As a Ryerson student, you are responsible for familiarizing yourself with the Student Code of Academic Conduct.

Remarking Policy

  1. Grades are earned for the demonstration of knowledge.
  2. Read carefully the marking guide for the assignment or test you'd like to be remarked.
  3. Fill in this remarking form (available online).
  4. Give the form and the assignment/test to TA who marked the assignment/test or to the instructor (at lecture time or scheduled office hour), who will forward it to a TA.
  5. You may not submit a remarking request later than ONE WEEK from the date on which the assignments were returned. It's your responsibility to pick up your work as soon as possible.
  6. Mark can decrease if TA finds something that was incorrectly awarded too high a mark.

Tentative Course Calendar (subject to change: all changes will be announced in class)

Course Work Due Date Grade Value (%)
Assignment  1
January 26
Assignment 2 (in two parts)
February 9 and 16
Assignment 3
March 2
Midterm test
March 2
Assignment 4
March 23
Assignment 5
March 30
In-class presentation
Winter term
Class participation (and/or quizzes)
Winter term
Second Exam
April 6