


Visit this page regularly! Important announcements will be posted on this page.

All assignments are available from the cps721 online course shell at TMU Web Portal.
FAQs about this course and home work are linked from Content-> Assignments tab on D2L. Also, read posts to a forum related to each Assignment: see Communication on D2L. If you have a question that was not previously answered, then send email to your instructor.

Make sure that you know your login/password to access your Computer Science account. You will need them if you would like to run ECLiPSe Prolog remotely on moon server from home. To connect to a moon server, make sure you have an SSH client installed on your home computer. You need this to make a secure connection to your CS account. Visit Computing & Communications Services to find there recommended software (including SSH terminal). It is free for registered students.

How to get started with Prolog? First, login to D2L and read there the handouts related to the first assignment. If you still experience difficulties after that, or you are not sure how to use ECLiPSe Prolog installed in labs, then send email to a TA and make an appointment. The TA can guide you through the basic steps of writing and compiling Prolog programs.

Visit this Web page to download an open source version of ECLiPSe Prolog (release 6) Note that a big green button on that Web page is linked to a Linux release that runs only on Linux machines. Go to "Browse all files" (next to a big green button) and download a release 6 for your operating system at home. Also, you can download the most recent ECLiPSe Prolog release for several operating systems from this Web page. We do not have resources to assist with installation of ECLiPSe Prolog on your personal laptops and/or home computers.


If you have questions related to cps721, you can send email both to a TA and to your instructor. One of us will reply you and post an answer to your question on a Web page. Before you email your question, please check posted answers to previously received questions to make sure that your question has not already been answered.

Content: an electronic copy of transparencies from class will be posted on D2L. This electronic copy is provided exclusively for educational purposes, but it should not be redistributed or posted anywhere else.

Revisions: If you would like to submit a revised copy of your assignment, then run simply the submit command again. (The same person must run the submit command.) A new copy of your assignment will override the old copy. You can submit new versions as many times as you like and you do not need to inform me about this. Don't ask your team members to submit your assignment, because TA will be confused which version to mark: only one person from a group should submit different revisions of the assignment.


Adobe Acrobat Reader (free software), to read .pdf files.

Ghostview, (free software), to read .ps files.
