CP8201: Algorithms and Computability
Course Management Form, Fall 2013

Instructor: Mikhail Soutchanski, email: mes (at) cs (dot) ryerson (dot) ca (write CP8201 in "Subject")
Web page: www.scs.ryerson.ca/mes/courses/CP8201/
Office: Computing and Engineering Bldg, 245 Church Street, ENG275
Office Hours: Tuesday 14:00 - 15:00 and Thursday 11:00 - 12:00
(or by appointment    )
Section Status Day Start Time End Time Room
001 Available Wednesday 15:10 18:00 ENG-LG21

Course Description

Course Policies

Policy on collaboration in homework assignments
Limited collaboration in discussing general approaches to problems is allowed; no collaboration is allowed when you are typing or writing your solutions. You may discuss assignments only with other people currently taking the course or with the instructor. However, you should never put your name on anything you do not understand. If challenged, you must be able to reproduce and explain all solutions by yourself. If you cannot explain a solution that you handed in, this will decrease your mark. The first page of your homework should include: the name of all students with whom you discussed any homework problems (even briefly). Otherwise, it is assumed that you didn't discuss with anyone except the instructor. Copied work (both original and copies) will be graded as 0.

Tentative Course Calendar (all changes of dates will be announced)

Course Work Due Date Grade Value (%)
Assignment  1
September 18 & September 25, Wednesday
Assignment 2
October 9, Wednesday
Test 1
Wednesday, October 23, in class
Assignment 3
October 30, Wednesday
Assignment 4
November 13, Wednesday
Assignment 5
November 27, Wednesday
Test 2
Wednesday, December 4, in class
In class (topic to be assigned)