
  CPS393 Sections 1-5   Dec 11 at noon (probably 1pm, to be confirmed on D2L)
  CPS393 Sections 6-10  Dec 11 at 3pm  (probably 3:10 to be confirmed on D2L)


  CPS393 Sections 1-6   Mon 1-3pm,  Wed 12-1pm zoom (and ENG103)
  CPS393 Sections 7-10  Tue 11-1pm, Wed 1-2pm  zoom (and ENG103)

Office Hours (Zoom):

  Thurs 11am-12pm by appointment (email me)


  Lead TA:    Jorge Lopez jlopez@torontomu.ca
  TAs:        Montgomery Gole mgole@torontomu.ca
              Elham Amini elham1.amini@torontomu.ca
  Lecture TA: Alaa Asfour alaa.asfour@torontomu.ca       


Section 1  Wed 3pm   ENG206 Monty Gole mgole@torontomu.ca
Section 2  Fri 1pm   ENG201 Monty Gole mgole@torontomu.ca
Section 3  Tue 3pm   ENG202 Jorge Lopez jlopez@torontomu.ca
Section 4  Tue 1pm   ENG202 Jorge Lopez jlopez@torontomu.ca
Section 5  Tue 2pm   ENG206 Jorge Lopez jlopez@torontomu.ca
Section 6  Mon 10am  ENG206 Jorge Lopez jlopez@torontomu.ca
Section 7  Fri 11am  ENG206 Monty Gole mgole@torontomu.ca
Section 8  Tue 3pm   ENG206 Elham Amini elham1.amini@torontomu.ca
Section 9  Thu 8am   ENG201 Elham Amini elham1.amini@torontomu.ca
Section 10 Wed 5pm   ENG203 Monty Gole mgole@torontomu.ca
Section 11 Thu 8am   ENG202 TBA TBA@torontomu.ca
Section 12 Wed 5pm   ENG202 TBA TBA@torontomu.ca