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Ryerson University
(Formerly) Department of Computer Science

Joshua Panar

Last updated November 30, 2021

Retired as of September 1, 2021
This web site is being kept available for anyone wishing access to the CPS125 (C language) notes.
It is no longer being maintained.
Dr J D Panar
Professor Emeritus, Computer Science
Ryerson University

email: jpanar@cs.ryerson.ca

Past Courses W2020:
  • CPS125 Digital Computation and Programming >>>
  • Sections 5, 6, 7, 8, 20, 21, 22, 23

Past Courses (W2019 CPS125 - see above;
  F2019 away) F2018:
  • CPS118 Introductory Programming for Scientists >>>
  • Sections 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13

Past Courses to W2018:

Timetable W2020: >>>

(Ir-?)Relevant references: >>>